发表论文 ResearchGate://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sheng-Wang-149 X. Dong, S. Wang, M. Shi, B. Li, L. Chen, C. Zhang and K. K. Wong, “Dispersion Engineering for Advanced Temporal Imaging Modalities,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 99, 1-13 (2023). (Co-first author) S. Wang, X. Dong, J. Kang, and K. K. Wong, “Bandwidth-enhanced Parametric Spectro-Temporal Analyzer with Pulse-Picking Modulator,” in 2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) (pp. 1-4). S. Wang, T. Qiao, and K. K. Wong, “Novel mid-infrared mode-locking fiber laser scheme with homemade fiber connectors,” in Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, p. JW3A.10. S. Wang, X. Don, B. Li, and K. K. Wong, “Polarization-independent parametric time magnifier based on four-wave mixing,” Optics Letters 46, 5627-5630 (2021). L. Yang, S. Wang, J. Kang, P. Feng, C. Zhang, B. Li, and K. K. Wong, “Sensitivity-enhanced ultrafast optical tomography by parametric-and Raman-amplified temporal imaging,” Optics Letters 43, 5673-5676 (2018). (Co-first author) S. Wang, L. Yang, C. Zhang, B. Li, and K. K. Wong, “Ultrafast optical tomography using Raman-assisted temporal magnification,” in 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), (IEEE, 2018), 1-2. B. Li, S. Wang, Y. Wei, S.-W. Huang, and K. K. Wong, “Temporal Imaging for Ultrafast Spectral-Temporal Optical Signal Processing and Characterization,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27, 1-13 (2020). L. Yang, S. Wang, C. Zhang, B. Li, and K. K. Wong, “Enhancing the detection sensitivity of temporal imaging by distributed Raman amplification,” in 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), (IEEE,2018), 1-2. B. Li, J. Kang, S. Wang, Y. Yu, P. Feng, and K. K. Wong, “Unveiling femtosecond rogue-wave structures in noise-like pulses by a stable and synchronized time magnifier,” Optics Letters 44, 4351-4354 (2019).