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学术报告:Coordinated Teleoperation and Assessment of Operator's Cognitive Workload


报告时间:2024年12月26日(星期四) 14:30-17:00


报 告 :王子威 英国兰卡斯特大学机器人学助理教授




To facilitate working in extreme environments, a human worker could benefit greatly from the assistance of a robotic arm controlled through teleoperation. However, it is currently unclear how the robot should be programmed to effectively support the worker's movements. To address this issue, a haptic teleoperation system that enables complex manipulation and docking tasks will be presented. This system allows for human demonstrations of motor skills, which can then be developed into autonomous operation capabilities. The haptic teleoperation system includes various control modes for object capture and assembly tasks, such as manual, semi-autonomous, and fully autonomous modes. Additionally, the system utilises bio-monitoring to estimate the operator's mental load, holographic user interfaces to enhance usability, and haptic feedback to improve system transparency for the operator. Successful interaction tasks, including collecting rock samples on the moon and peg transfer based on the Da Vinci Surgical Robot System, have validated that the developed techniques can be transferable to other types of human-machine interfaces, including command through the feet.


王子威,清华大学博士毕业,英国伦敦帝国理工色播生物工程系人类机器人小组助理研究员,英国兰卡斯特大学机器人学助理教授,英国伦敦国王色播访问学者,高等教育色播研究员,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学(NCSU)和杜克大学访问学者,RAICO研究员;领导兰卡斯特智能机器人和自主系统中心(LIRA)先进机器人远程操作实验室,以及由 Horizon 2020、Innovate UK、英国皇家学会、UK-RAS 网络、ACE 网络等资助的研究项目,总经费超过200万英镑;担任《仿生智能与机器人》(BIROB)的副主编、《IEEE 工业网络-物理系统》的客座编辑;获得2018 年 IFAC 优化控制应用研讨会青年作者奖、2022 年 IEEE 自动化与计算国际会议最佳论文奖、2022 年 IROS 研讨会最佳海报奖。