学术报告:Alignment and Mechanical Stability Strategies at MAX IV Laboratory
周可余:Alignment and Mechanical Stability Strategies at MAX IV Laboratory
报告时间:2025年1月3日(星期五) 15:00-16:00
报 告 人:周可余
工作单位:瑞典隆德大學 MAX IV實驗室
MAX IV Laboratory is the Swedish national synchrotron laboratory that has operated as a user facility since 2016, offering access to 16 beamlines that provide modern X-ray spectroscopy, scattering/diffraction, and imaging techniques. MAX IV laboratory has two storage rings as well as a 300-meter linear accelerator with hundreds of components not only to be relatively aligned with tight tolerances but also to be absolutely aligned with respect to the global coordinate system of the facility. As the first worldwide realization of the fourth-generation light source, MAX IV Laboratory requires high-precision alignment of all its sensitive components through a multiple-stage process. This presentation gives a general introduction about this facility as well as alignment and mechanical stability strategies used in it.
After graduating in Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments from Heifei University of Technology, Keyu Zhou received her master’s degree in Measurement and Testing Technology and Instruments from Zhejiang University. She worked firstly as an optical coating engineer then as a project leader in Materion Barr Precision Optics in China. Keyu Zhou joined Survey, Alignment and Mechanical Stability team (SAM team) as a research engineer at MAX IV Laboratory in Sweden in 2017. Since 2019, she became team lead of SAM team and worked at MAX IV Laboratory until now.